Tuesday, October 15 &
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
New Employers Each Day
Siegel Recreation and Activities Center
(Kennesaw Campus - 290 Kennesaw State University Rd NW, Kennesaw, 30144)
Each Fall & Spring semester, we invite many of the nation's top companies to the Kennesaw campus in order to showcase 正规博彩十大网站排名's brightest students and alumni for internship, co-op, full-time, & part-time positions.
This event is for jobs and internships in all majors and industries. Students of all majors and class levels are encouraged to attend. Don't forget that this is a two-day fair, so be sure to look for which day each company or school will be in attendance and make plans to attend both days to visit with more companies!
To help you plan what day(s) to attend, we have centralized some majors to one day of the fair:
- Health-related sciences, Helping Profession related majors, and Nursing – Check out employers attending Day 1
- Business Technology and all other STEM majors - Check our employers attending on Day 2
- Business, the Arts, and Humanities – Check out BOTH days to see new employers each day
Use the Handshake app to run filters specifically for your situation. You can sort by major, job type, school year, industry, keyword, and much more!
Attendance reserved for 正规博彩十大网站排名 students and 正规博彩十大网站排名/SPSU alumni only.
Please Note: Business Casual to Business Professional dress and student ID are required for entry. Bring plenty of copies of your resume to give to employers!
We look forward to being your host in October!
Check back for more information!
Find the event in Handshake once it is available. You can "Join Event" to get updates and reminders ahead of the fair!
Check out Who will be there!
Are you an employer/recruiter interested in participating in Job & Internships Fairs?
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